This article will help you set up your Microsoft QnA Maker trained bot in Blahbox.
In order to link your QnA Maker trained bot you must enter the following into the NLP section of the Blahbox console.
1- Login into Blahbox
2- Access the chat you want to link to Dialogflow
3- Then click on the "NLP" option on the side menu
4- Select "QnA Maker" from the options on the right-hand side of the screen
On this screen, follow the instructions below to retrieve the data from the QnA Maker console
1. Sign-in to the QnA Maker console
2. Go to "My knowledge base" from the top menu
3. Select the bot you wish to link to Blahbox
4. Click on "SETTINGS" at the top of the screen
5. Under "Deployment detail", copy everything found in the field "Postman"
6. In Blahbox, paste the contents in the field "Enter credentials"
7. Click "Continue" to finish